Sunday, December 19, 2010

House Project-Complete!

The majority of our house project was completed just a few short days before our huge MN snowstorm! We were so thankful that the timing worked out perfectly! We are also incredibly thankful for all of the help we received from our neighbors and friends! So many skillful hands were involved in helping us tackle this enormous project! In the pictures above, you can see the garage door is finished, but the front door isn't as visible-it is a fiberglass door, but looks like mahogany wood. It has a dental shelf and leaded glass on the upper portion. We have two more garage fixtures to install, as well as a storm door to install in the spring. It sounds crazy, but the outside project has fueled our ambition to tackle indoor projects this winter! We've already painted two bedrooms and put up curtains. We have many more projects yet to come, but are looking forward to taking a break to enjoy Christmas! :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    Your house turned out so cute! Hope you had a warm and cozy Christmas. Now I hear the weather is really getting weird this weekend.
    Check your work email, if you haven't.
